Monday, January 28, 2013

I Miss You


I miss my old friend.
My best friend.
My friend who's always there for me.
Lately I feel far from her.
It seems like I don't know her anymore.

I can't seem to call her for a movie nor hangout like old times.
It seems so awkward.
The last time we met was the most awkward time of my life with my best friend.
Everything seems awkward.

I don't know what's wrong.
I'm so sorry if I did anything wrong.
I'm so sorry if I made things awkward between us.

Owh how I miss the old relationship.
I miss you so much.

Oh Allah, please bring my friend back to me. I wish her the best in her life if we were not meant to be close as before.

Wassalam & Cheers.

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