Saturday, October 31, 2009

Graduation Day 2009

A date to remember: 27th October 2009

The big day started at 5.15am as I woke up and got ready. It was very early as even the chickens are not up yet. Mum, dad and I are the only one whom witnessed the moment of glory. 5 seconds of glory on stage I'd say. ~wink~

We departed around 5.40am. The reason we were early is because the journey would take around 45minutes and we also need to pray Subuh. Subuh starts around 5.55am. We stopped at a Surau in Kota Damansara to perform our prayer. It took us around 20 minutes plus getting ready a.k.a wearing make ups and doing mum's scarf. I was late that I need to wear my scarf in the car without a mirror and a dark surrounding. It was try and error. Luckily my scarf was ok, with little default.

We arrived at the car park around 7am. I met a few friends; Najwana, Heryohana, Izzati, Reza, Fahmi, Nor Azra, Nadia, Syafiq, etc. From the car park we went to the hall by bus. I met more friends outside the hall; Gladys, Nurah, Hidayah, Shakila, Shaza, Mahirah, Manar, Jat, Muja, Farhan, etc. Everyone was getting ready for the big event. We were adjusting our robes and graduating hats.

I was very happy meeting my friends after a few months being apart. I had a big laugh with Gladys. I was telling her: something was missing when I looked at the picture I took a few seconds ago; blusher on my cheeks. She said nothing changed in me....

We had to queue up according to our numbers given before entering the hall. It was a long line of students. Luckily my course was in front. We also had to wear a mask and sanitize our hands prior to entering the convocation hall. It was a happy moment. We were happy seeing each other. While queueing, we took a lot of photos together.

After 6 years of hard work and study, the fame last for 5 seconds on stage. Everything happened so fast. The first second I was lining up with friends behind the stage, and the next second I was walking very fast towards Tan Sri, held my hand out, took the 'cert file' and walked down the stage. I don't know what happened, but it happened so fast. Thinking back, I wonder a few things; why was I walking very fast as if I was trying to catch a plane; why didn't I take my time smiling at the camera? I paid a lot for the photographers to actually take my photo on stage. I'm not sure how the photo turn out to be.

The event finished around 12 noon. I went to meet my parents. I was very hungry as I didn't take my breakfast before. I was lucky that my father was ok to wait for a few hours so that I can meet a few friends to take pictures, give them presents and return my robe.

It was a happy day with 5 seconds of glory on stage.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Which Car?

My dream car would be a red Ferrari... It would be only a dream to drive a ferrari. The price is expensive like hell. I'd never would afford one. Even dreaming of driving a ferrari cost a lot. A dream like this will always be a dream.

I wanted to buy a car. I asked my parents' point of view. This is what they said:
DAD: Buy a second hand car. It is cheaper and you don't have to pay a high interest rate for car loans. It would be a waste to actually pay rm75k for a rm50k... Well this happens if you actually get a 4% loan interest and paying in a long period of time, a.k.a 9 years.
MUM: Buy a standard car a.k.a something simple and doesn't stand out on the road. Something simple that guys won't find intimidated being near you. Something that doesn't shout "Mariam is a high maintenance girl who has high standards when choosing a guy". Something simple like Myvi...

Well, guess what, after a deep thought (so deep that my brain nearly exploded) I choose to either buy Mitsubishi lancer or Honda city. If I wanted to buy a car, I might as well buy what suits my soul.... (Sporty and classy) Thinking of what my mum said (guys won't approach high standard girls), it doesn't make sense to my situation. It doesn't make any difference whether I drive a simple nor a classy car, If guys doesn't like me, then they won't regardless of what type of car I drive. Daymmmm..

So, my aim right now is to save money for the downpayment....

Mitsubishi Lancer or Honda City, HERE I COME!!!!!


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kuku @ Nails

Dikatakan bahawa menyimpan sebatang jari kuku yang panjang, dosanya sama seperti memelihara sekandang babi, jika kesemua jejari kita menyimpan kuku yang panjang.... bayangkanlah dosa yang telah kita tanggung untuk kesemua babi-babi tersebut..... potonglah kuku anda.

The Truth
Jangan ada niat simpan kuku panjang, walaupun hanya 1 mm atau pun hanya jari kelingking. Bagi orang Islam adalah tidak sesuai berkuku panjang atas apa alasan sekalipun kerana ia tidak membayangkan kesucian dan ia jugabukan budaya kita apatah lagi menggunakan tangan untuk beristinjak. Orang Melayu yang berkuku panjang biasanya mempunyai anak yang bodoh atau pun degil dan suka melepak sebab diberi makan bahan kotor yang berada di kuku jari emaknya semasa menyediakan makanan seperti memerah santan kelapa, buat cokodok pisang, uli tepong, dll. Apa ilmu pun yang di ajar pun tak akan boleh diterima masuk ke dalam kepala.

Pasal tabiat berkuku panjang inilah yang membuatkan orang Melayu mundur dan tidak berjaya. Syarikat Melayu yang bangkrap dan rugi teruk adalah kerana mempunyai pekerja dan pemilik yang berkuku panjang . Untuk yang bujang beringatlah. Kalau hendak cari pasangan dan mahu anak yang pandai dan mendengar kata pilihlah wanita atau lelaki yang sentiasa berkuku pendek... Insya-Allah.

Additional info
Kuku panjang mempunyai sejenis kuman seperti yang terdapat dalam najis manusia, iaitu E-Coli.Kuman tersebut tidak akan hilang walaupun kita mencuci tangan dengan sabun. Oleh itu, sentiasalah berkuku pendek untuk kesihatan dan kebersihan diri sendiri.Nasihat Nabi Muhammad Saw. kepada Saidina Ali rhu. sesudah bernikah dengan Siti Fatimah iaitu anakanda kesayangan , Nabi Muhammad Saw.. berpesan kepada Saidina Ali iaitu kalau memakai cincin pakailah di jari:
1] jari manis
2] jari kelingking (anak jari) dan
jangan memakai pada jari:
1] jari tengah
2] jari telunjuk
Nabi Muhammad saw. melarang kerana memakai cincin pada jari telunjuk dan jari tengah adalah meniru cara berhias kaum yang dilaknat oleh Allah iaitu kaum yang derhaka di zaman Nabi Lut a.s. Perhatian : Cara memakai cincin adalah termasuk lelaki atau pun perempuan. p/s: saudara dan saudari, sila nasihatkan kawan-kawan dan juga saudara- mara ataupun anak-anak tentang kaedah yang betul untuk berhias di dalam syariat Islam, kalau tidak sia-sia saja kita mendapat laknat dari Allah Swt. Nabi saw. memakai cincin dan kalau kita memakai cincin dengan niat mengikut sunnah Nabi saw. senang je kita dapat kita pahala.

In Life, Nothing Is Enough

In life, nothing is enough.
The more we get, the more we want it.
We must be greatful with what we have.
What we have is actually more than sufficient.
We are actually luckier than some people out there.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Easy to SAY, Difficult to FOLLOW

In life, we hear different types of advice from all walks of life on different issues. Most of the advices we hear seems easy to follow. However, in real life it's difficult to follow.
Every advice seems to be perfect.

  • Do this, avoid that.

  • Follow this, ignore that.

  • Just follow etc2....

Whatever we do has a lot of pros and cons. What other people do good doesn't mean it is good for us. It may or may not suit our soul and life. This is what life is about. Everyone has their own path.

Live life to the fullest..

Friday, October 16, 2009


This month is a great month for me as I got my new netbook and a broadband.

It cost a lot to be connected to the cyber world. As I gave my old laptop to my brother, I bought a new one with my salary. Asus Eee PC is awesome. It's friendly user and so far no trouble occured. It's small, shiny, and compatible.

I had to get through a lot of things to be connected. From KLCC to Times Sq.....

I guess the big fat yellow man has followed me to the 12th floor of my aprtment....
He will follow meeeee..........

Friday, October 9, 2009


I'm so happy that one of my cousin is already married. It happened in a blink of an eye.
It just seems like yesterday they were boyfriends and girlfriends and now they are married couples. They are very cute together.

Last Saturday was a very happy day for my uncle and aunty as their eldest daughter is safely married to her man of choice. The "akad nikah"was smooth. Everyone is happy. The reception was happening. Everything went well.... Alhamdulillah

I envy them so bad. I keep on thinking, when will my turn come? I hope soon.....